Our Limitless Support
Our advisors those who are veteran in this industry for more than 20 years have taken this company on a bigger scale with their wise advice, extreme support and innovative new ideas to implement changes in the machines. It is only with their cooperation and extra ordinary support, we have built a customer faith in us.
- Well advanced stock of supporting materials of HDD Machines
- 24X7 availability of our engineers
- Quality of Services provided in most of the regions
- Strong belief in enhancement and improvement
- Highly skilled engineers and team
Management Team

Krishna Tripathi
Sales Team

Krishna Tripathi
Sales Head
Service Support

Hitesh Patel
Lucknow - Service Team

Kaushlesh Pandey

Kamla Tripathi
Kolkata service Team

Rabi Halder

Suman Malakar
Raipur service Team

Rajendra Sahu

Satish Sahu
Mumbai service Team

Mrinal Kanti Ghosh

Neeraj Shukla

Nowshad Khan
Delhi service Team

Akshay Kumar

Bibhuti Bhushan
Logistics Support

Bhushan Pandey
Account Department

Neelam Sanas


Store Incharge

Ganesh Tiwari

Sujata Matale

Office Desk

Megha Sutar
Business coordinator